How to add two images using OpenCV

This recipe helps you add two images using OpenCV

Recipe Objective: How to add two images using OpenCV?

Let us try to add two images using OpenCV

Access Face Recognition Project Code using Facenet in Python

Step 1: Import the libraries and read the image

The images that we are using for this recipe are as follows.

opencv logo

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import cv2
import numpy as np
image1 = cv2.imread('project.jpg')

Step 2: Compare and alter the sizes

To add two images, the shape of those two images must be equal. Let us compare and see the shapes of the two images

print(f"The shape of image 1 and image 2 is {image1.shape} and {image2.shape} respectively")


The shape of image 1 and image 2 is (110, 335, 3) and (190, 340, 3) respectively

Since the two images are of different sizes, let us convert any image to the form of another using np.resize() function. It takes the array to be reshaped and the shape to which the given array is to be reshaped as two input parameters


Step 3: Add images

Now let us add these to images using the cv2.add() function, which takes the two images to be added as input.

added_images = cv2.add(image1,image2)

We have successfully added the two images.

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Anand Kumpatla

Sr Data Scientist @ Doubleslash Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
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ProjectPro is a unique platform and helps many people in the industry to solve real-life problems with a step-by-step walkthrough of projects. A platform with some fantastic resources to gain... Read More

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