How to apply multiple filters on multiple columns using multiple conditions in R?

This recipe helps you apply multiple filters on multiple columns using multiple conditions in R

Recipe Objective

How to apply multiple filters on multiple columns using multiple conditions in R? A filter () function is used to filter out specified elements from a dataframe that returns TRUE value for the given condition(s). filter () helps to reduce a huge dataset into small chunks of datasets. **Syntax — filter (data,condition)** This recipe illustrates an example of applying multiple filters.

Step 1 - Import necessary library

install.packages("dplyr") # Install package library(dplyr) # load the package

Step 2 - Create a dataframe

df <- data.frame(student_name = c('U','V','X','Y','Z'), grade = c('AA','CC','DD','AB','BB'), math_marks = c(40,80,38,97,65), eng_marks = c(95,78,36,41,25), sci_marks = c(56,25,36,87,15)) print(df)

"Dataframe is ":
  student_name grade math_marks eng_marks sci_marks
1            U    AA         40        95        56
2            V    CC         80        78        25
3            X    DD         38        36        36
4            Y    AB         97        41        87
5            Z    BB         65        25        15

Step 3 - Apply filter()

Using the & operator (and) for filtering out the required rows print(filter(df,math_marks>40 & eng_marks<75))

"Output of code is ":
  student_name grade math_marks eng_marks sci_marks
1            Y    AB         97        41        87
2            Z    BB         65        25        15

Using the | operator (or) for filtering out the required rows print(filter(df,math_marks>40 | eng_marks<75))

"Output of code is ":
  student_name grade math_marks eng_marks sci_marks
1            V    CC         80        78        25
2            X    DD         38        36        36
3            Y    AB         97        41        87
4            Z    BB         65        25        15

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Savvy Sahai

Data Science Intern, Capgemini
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As a student looking to break into the field of data engineering and data science, one can get really confused as to which path to take. Very few ways to do it are Google, YouTube, etc. I was one of... Read More

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