How to convert integer number to string in R?

A comprehensive guide on how to convert an integer number to string in R.

Variables are used to store data in any programming language. In R language, the data type is checked at run time. The different data types in R include Character, Numeric, Integer, Factor, and Logical. There are a few instances where we need to convert one data type into another to use the information further to perform operations. This is known as data type-casting.

This guide will show you how in R, one can convert number to string (also known as character data type in a few languages).

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How to convert number to string in R?

There are two simple steps in R to convert number to string- Define an integer variable and then convert to string in R. Let us understand these steps in detail and learn how to perform R numeric to string conversion.

Step 1: Define an integer variable

We use the as.integer() function to define any integer value.

a = as.integer(2)

To check the data type of a variable, we use class() function



Step 2: R Int to String Conversion

We use as.character() function to convert any data type to character/string data type

b = as.character(a) b


To check the data type of a variable, we use class() function



How to make a string to number in R?

In R, you can convert a string to a number using the as.numeric() function. This function takes a single argument, which is the string you want to convert.

Step-1 Create a String

Use this sample code to create a string in R.

my_string <- "42.5"

Step 2: R Change String to Number Conversion

my_number <- as.numeric(my_string)

Step 3: Print the result

Simply print the result to analyze the conversion of string to number in R.


In this example, we start with the string "42.5" and use as.numeric() to convert it into a numeric value. The result is the number 42.5.

Explore Exciting R projects with ProjectPro!

Understanding how to perform data type conversions is particularly important in R programming, a language known for its data analysis capabilities. This guide has demonstrated two essential conversions in R: change a number to a string and string to a number. Converting a number to a string, or character data type, in R allows for more flexible data handling and presentation. ProjectPro empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to master data manipulation and analysis, making it an invaluable resource for aspiring data scientists and analysts.

As you delve deeper into the world of data science, ProjectPro provides a treasure trove of projects and insights, enabling you to explore and apply your newfound expertise in real-world scenarios. Whether you're learning the ropes or striving for mastery, ProjectPro is your partner in the journey of harnessing the power of data. Elevate your data science and big data skills with ProjectPro's projects and resources, and embark on a fulfilling career in data analysis and interpretation.

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