Explain Lambda service and the scenarios to use it

This recipe explains what Lambda service and the scenarios to use it

Recipe Objective - Explain the Lambda service and the scenarios to use it?

The AWS Lambda is a widely used service and is defined as an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as part of Amazon Web Services. It is further defined as a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code. The AWS Lambda was introduced in November 2014. The AWS Lambda officially supports Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby, and C# (through . NET) as of 2018. The AWS Lambda supports running native Linux executables via calling out from a supported runtime such as Node.js for example Haskell code which can be run on Lambda. The AWS Lambda was designed for use cases such as the image or object uploads to Amazon S3, updates to DynamoDB tables, responding to website clicks, or reacting to sensor readings from an IoT connected device. The AWS Lambda can also be used to automatically provision the back-end services triggered by custom HTTP requests, and "spin down" such services when not in use, to save resources and further these custom HTTP requests are to be configured in the AWS API Gateway, which can also handle authentication and authorization in conjunction with AWS Cognito. The AWS Lambda automatically responds to the code execution requests at any scale, from a dozen events per day to the hundreds of thousands per second.

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Benefits of AWS Lambda

  • The AWS Lambda helps in executing code at the capacity you need as specified. It can be scaled to match the data volume automatically enabling custom event triggers and can process data at scale. The AWS Lambda can be combined with other AWS services to create secure, stable, and scalable online experiences to run interactive web and mobile backends. The AWS Lambda can preprocess the data before feeding it to the machine learning (ML) model and with Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) access, AWS Lambda handles the infrastructure management and provisioning to simplify scaling that is it enables powerful ML insights. The AWS Lambda builds event-driven functions for easy communication between the decoupled services and further reduce costs by running applications during times of peak demand without the crashing or over-provisioning resources that is it creates event-driven applications.

System Requirements

  • Any Operating System(Mac, Windows, Linux)

This recipe explains AWS Lambda and the scenarios to use AWS Lambda.

Uses of AWS Lambda

    • It is used for Powerful File processing.

AWS Lambda data processing in real-time after an upload, or connect to an existing Amazon EFS file system to enable massively parallel shared access for large-scale file processing.

    • It is used for fast Stream Processing

Use AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis to process real-time streaming data for application activity tracking, transaction order processing, clickstream analysis, data cleansing, log filtering, indexing, social media analysis, IoT device data telemetry, and metering.

    • It is used for Web Applications.

Combine AWS Lambda with other AWS services to build powerful web applications that automatically scale up and down and run in a highly available configuration across multiple data centres.

    • It is used for supporting IoT backends

Build serverless backends using AWS Lambda to handle web, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), and third-party API requests.

    • It is used for supporting Mobile backends.

Build backends using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway to authenticate and process API requests. Use AWS Amplify to easily integrate your backend with your iOS, Android, Web, and React Native frontends.

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Jingwei Li

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