How to find the grouped mean in numpy?

This recipe helps you find the grouped mean in numpy

Recipe Objective

How to find the grouped mean in numpy? Grouped mean as we all know that what is mean which nothing but the sum of all elements divided by total number of elements. A grouped is nothing but the mean of the data which is placed in intervals or we can say mean of grouped data. For this the individual values are not available and we are also not able to calculate there sum unlike the other listed data. For calculating the grouped mean firstly we have to determine the midpoint of each class then these midpoints is going to be multiplied with frequencies of the corresponding intervals or classes. Then the sum of the products divided by the total number of values will be the value of mean.

Step 1 - Import library

import numpy as np

Step 2 - Take Sample array

Sample_array = np.array([[11,22,35],[45,55,65],[75,85,95]]) print("This is a Sample array:","\n",Sample_array)

This is a Sample array: 
 [[11 22 35]
 [45 55 65]
 [75 85 95]]

Step 3 - Find the Grouped mean

print("The mean of each row is:","\n",Sample_array.mean(axis=1), "\n") print("The mean of each column is:","\n",Sample_array.mean(axis=0))

The mean of each row is: 
 [22.66666667 55.         85.        ] 

The mean of each column is: 
 [43.66666667 54.         65.        ]

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Ameeruddin Mohammed

ETL (Abintio) developer at IBM
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I come from a background in Marketing and Analytics and when I developed an interest in Machine Learning algorithms, I did multiple in-class courses from reputed institutions though I got good... Read More

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