How to install a local package in R?

A guide on how to install package from local directory in R language.

In R, packages are essential collections of functions, datasets, and compiled code that extend the capabilities of the language. These packages are stored in the 'library' directory of your R environment and are typically developed by the R community. For instance, the "dplyr" package is a commonly used package in R, which enhances data manipulation with dataframes. This guide will walk you through the process of installing a local R package from a .zip file, an alternative to the usual CRAN repository. Learning to install local packages from local directory can expand your R toolkit for specific tasks.

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How to Install a Local Package in R?

Learn how to install the R package from local folder in these simple steps.

Step 1: R Install a Package from a zip File

Begin by downloading the .zip file for the R package you wish to install. You can find these .zip files from various sources. For this guide, we'll use the "MASS" package as an example. Here is the code to install the R "MASS" package from a .zip file on your local machine:

install.packages("", repos = NULL, type = 'source')

Make sure to replace "" with the actual file name and its path.

Step 2: Loading a Package

After successfully installing the package from the local folder having .zip file, you need to load it before you can utilize its functions and features in your R code. To load a package, use the "library()" function:


By loading the "MASS" package, you now have access to its functions and data sets, and you can use them in your R code.

Explore R projects with ProjectPro!

In R, installing a package locally from .zip files expands your capabilities and allows you to tap into a broader range of tools and functionalities. Whether you need specific functions or data sets for your projects, local package installation is a versatile solution. This guide has equipped you with the knowledge to seamlessly install and load local R packages, giving you greater control over your R environment.

For more extensive projects and data analysis tasks, ProjectPro offers a wealth of opportunities to enhance your R skills. Our comprehensive project collection covers a wide spectrum of  data science and big data topics, providing you with hands-on experience and real-world problem-solving scenarios. Checkout ProjectPro if you wish to elevate your R programming skills.

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