How to make all words to lower case in python

This recipe helps you make all words to lower case in python using lower function

Recipe Objective

In Content Analysis or text Analysis we want same format of our text or content for better analysis and to get a better output, for e.g No special characters should be there, All the text should be in same case (Upper or lower). So now we are going to see how to make all words to lower case in a text.

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Step 1 - Take a Simple word and store it in a variable

My_word = "LANGUAGE" print(My_word)


So here we have taken a word, and stored it in a variable called My_word. As we can see the word is in Upper case so lets try to make it in lower case.

Step 2 - Converting upper case word to lower case

print("The lower case word is :",My_word.lower())

The lower case word is : language

here we can see the word has totally been converted into lower case, python has a inbuilt function called lower which converts the Upper case letters to lower case.

Step 3 - Lets try with a sentence

My_sentence = "Harry is 12 YEARS OLD, and he LOVES to Play 'FOOTBALL'." print("Lets see what changes has happened :", My_sentence.lower())

Lets see what changes has happened : harry is 12 years old, and he loves to play 'football'.

As we can see that, the letters which were in upper case has been converted into lower case though some words like football was in quotes still has been converted into lower case.

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Jingwei Li

Graduate Research assistance at Stony Brook University
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