String concatenation in python

This recipe explains how to perform string concatenation in python

Concatenation of strings in python

In python, To concatenate (or join) two or more string, we use '+' operator. To concatenate given string for a given number of time, we use '*' operator.

Lets understand with a few examples


    str2='World !!'

    #to concatenate without spaces
    print('concatenate without space--',str1+str2)
    #to concatenate with spaces
    print('concatenate with space--',str1+' '+str2)

    #concatenate multiple times
    print('concatenate a given string multiple times--',str1*3)




    concatenate without space--HelloWorld !!
    concatenate with space--Hello World !!
    concatenate a given string multiple times--HelloHelloHello

There are loads of other ways in which we can concatenate strings. Check out the tutorial for Format function in python to know about much more amazing ways of string concatenation.

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