How to use Spacy lemmatizer?

This recipe helps you use Spacy lemmatizer

Recipe Objective

How to use Spacy lemmatizer, As we have discussed earlier only what is Spacy and what is lemmatizer. Spacy Lemmatization which gives the lemma of the word, lemma is nothing the but base word which has been converted through the process of lemmatization for e.g 'hostorical', 'history' will become 'history' so the lemma is 'history' here.

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Step 1 - Import Spacy

import spacy

Step 2 - Initialize the Spacy en model.

load_model = spacy.load('en', disable = ['parser','ner'])

In the above code we have initialized the Spacy model and kept only the things which is required for lemmatization which is nothing but the tagger and disabled the parser and ner which are not required for now.

Step 3 - Take a simple text for sample

My_text = "This is just a sample text for the purpose of testing"

Step 4 - Parse the text

doc = load_model(My_text)

here in the above we have parsed the text that we have taken for sample by using the model that we have initialized i.e load_model.

Step 5 - Extract the lemma for each token

" ".join([token.lemma_ for token in doc])

So from the above we can see that there is slight change in the sentence which is, original - 'this is' and extracted - 'this be'.

Step 6 - Lets try with another example

text2 = "I am hanging out in a garden" doc2 = load_model(text2) " ".join([token.lemma_ for token in doc2])

So we can see whenever Spacy detects a pronoun it adds a -PRON- in the text.

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Having worked in the field of Data Science, I wanted to explore how I can implement projects in other domains, So I thought of connecting with ProjectPro. A project that helped me absorb this topic... Read More

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