What is Masked Language Modeling in transformers?

This recipe explains what is Masked Language Modeling in transformers.

Recipe Objective - What is Masked Language Modeling in transformers?

The task of fitting a model to a corpus, which can be domain-specific, is known as language modeling. Language modeling versions, such as BERT with masked language modeling and GPT2 with causal language modeling, are used to train all popular transformers-based models.

Language modeling is also useful outside of pre-training, for example, to transform the model distribution in a specific domain: use a trained language model on a very large corpus and then fit it to data sets from news or scientific articles, such as LysandreJik / arxivnlp.

Learn How to Build a Multi Class Text Classification Model using BERT

Masked Language Modeling:

The task of masking tokens in a sequence with a masking token and directing the model to fill that mask with an appropriate token is known as masked language modeling. This allows the model to focus on both the right and left contexts (tokens on the right side of the mask) (tokens on the left of the mask).

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Example of Masked Language Model using pipeline:

# Importing libraries
from transformers import pipeline
from pprint import pprint

# Creating model using pipeline for question answering
Model_unmasker = pipeline("fill-mask")

# Defining content for question
pprint(Model_unmasker(f"I have never watched something like this {unmasker.tokenizer.mask_token} and it was amazing."))

Output -
[{'score': 0.8949385285377502,
  'sequence': 'I have never watched something like this before and it was '
  'token': 137,
  'token_str': ' before'},
 {'score': 0.01026323065161705,
  'sequence': 'I have never watched something like this movie and it was '
  'token': 1569,
  'token_str': ' movie'},
 {'score': 0.008902600035071373,
  'sequence': 'I have never watched something like this, and it was amazing.',
  'token': 6,
  'token_str': ','},
 {'score': 0.007995985448360443,
  'sequence': 'I have never watched something like this again and it was '
  'token': 456,
  'token_str': ' again'},
 {'score': 0.0057492610067129135,
  'sequence': 'I have never watched something like this film and it was '
  'token': 822,
  'token_str': ' film'}]

In this way, we can perform masked language modeling in transformers.

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Gautam Vermani

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Having worked in the field of Data Science, I wanted to explore how I can implement projects in other domains, So I thought of connecting with ProjectPro. A project that helped me absorb this topic... Read More

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