About Custom Input Format Code (in module 6): can not compile (missing org.apache.commons )

4 Answer(s)

Hi Bin,

Please add apache-commons jar to your project build path / class path, if you haven't done that already. This is a utility jar that is available for download which holds a lot of utility methods.

I think that will solve your issue.

Hi Amrit,

Do you know where to download a specific jar file? Do you happen to have the utility.jar or apache-commons.jar ? If you don't mind, you can Email the file to me at regihan1124@gmail.com


Hey Bin,

Please find the below link to download the jar.


As your project is looking for the org.apache.commons.Logging.Log, please download the following jar from the above link and add it to your class path.


Hi Amrit,

Your solution works! Thanks!