HIve installation problem

1 Answer(s)

Hi Ishitaq,

Is the complete error message looks like this:
"FAILED: Error in metadata: javax.jdo.JDOFatalDatastoreException: Cannot get a co nnection, pool error Could not create validated object, cause: A read-only use r or a user in a read-only database is not permitted to disable read-only mode o n a connection. DestedThrowables: org.allache•FWWWW.dbCP.SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Could not create validated object, cause: A read-only user or a user in a read -only database is not permitted to disable read-only mode on conection. FAILED: Execution Err, return code I from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask"

If yes, then issue is hive metastore and following steps will help:
1. Do a ls to the location to see if the user have enough write and execute permissions.
Command: ls -l /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db
2. From step-1 list, check what all permissions are available to files under metastore_db
It should be 'rwx' for the cloudera user.
3. If not, give rwx permissions to all user using a sudo command.
Command: cd /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db
Command: sudo chmod a+rwx . --recursive
Command: rm *.lck

This should help.
Please post, if further help is required.