HADOOP Installation via Remote Login to DeZyre Hadoop Cluster on EC2

2 Answer(s)

Hi Dezyre,

I agree with Joe. Can we have step by step instructions on how to set up hadoop on ubuntu. The instructions on "Ubuntu - Hadoop 1.0 Installation - Single Node Cluster" does not work and seems to be outdated.

This is a basic thing and I don't want to spend hours looking for instructions online.


hi @Joe, @Saud,

Can you explain what issues were you facing with CDH4 while installing on Windows. The only thing user has to do is to download the Cloudera VM for VMware or Virtual3box and load them in one of these virtual machines.

All softwares run out of the box and there is no need for the user to install any software.

User can only run MapReduce programs on EC2 as EC2 provides only the hdfs and mapreduce framework. For executing other examples like Pig, Hive, Hbase, etc you have to use cloudera.

Let us know the specific issues which you were facing and all the installation documents that we provided are working fine.
