AWS/EC2 multinode hadoop installation instruction

3 Answer(s)

Hi Tuhin,

Please get the document from the link below:

This document will guide you on how to set up a live cluster of 5 nodes. The instances used would be charged as you use them. There is a charge for elastic IP Addresses as well. In case you are just intending to practice use the free tier instances which would have lower processing power but would give you a feel of how to work with Hadoop. The document is installing using Ambari. Alternatively you could download the tarball and install from apache mirrors or use the Cloudera Manager. Please keep in mind that packaged distributions require more resources and therefore you should use reasonably sized instances.

In case you would like to download and install from apache mirrors please follow the above document for the AWS instance set up and choose free instances instead of the large instances. Start and configure the operating system and then follow the document in the link below to install hadoop on each node.

Hadoop 2.5.1:
Hadoop 1.2.1:


Thanks for following up ... Can you forward me a pdf or other form copy . which I can print from...It would be easier to walk through the steps with a printed copy.


Hi Deb,
Are you going to take any of our following classes.. I hope you can .. I was able to better follow it ..
