Need help to get open datasets from AWS

3 Answer(s)

hi Rashmi,

You can download smaller datasets from


The one i mentioned in the first comment is a smaller data set 150 GB. And that is a part of the URL you mentioned in the comment.

Please check the URL and search for "Wikipedia Page Traffic Statistic V3", if you click on it you get i mentioned in the first comment)

I want to know how to access this dataset. Should i mount it on EC2 instance ? how should i get to the dataset ? . I cannot write scoop because it is not a Structured Database. I cannot write Flume because i don't know what is the data format (unstructured).

PLease let me know how i can access any of the open data sets. Thanks

Hello Rashmi

Give me a day, I would look into it. My machine hardisk got corrupted. I would try mounting the dataset and would let you know.

However it seems that you need to have a ec2 instance to do that.