AWS is not workiing propely

3 Answer(s)

I got these java errors when my command was incorrect. Try this command that I tried and worked perfectly:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-39-153:~$ hadoop jar hadoop-examples.jar terasort 10000 /user/ajay/terasort/ /user/ajay/terasort/output (feel free to modify paths, if necessary)

Mine precisely was:
[cloudera@localhost hadoop-0.20-mapreduce]$ hadoop jar hadoop-examples.jar teragen 10000 /user/randa/terasort/ /user/randa/terasort/output

Anyway, I got my cloudera commands to work. If any has a question, please ask.

Rakesh, thank you for responding to my previous questions.

hi Ajay,

The error is not due to AWS, but because the input path "/user/ajay" is non-existent. Please check the path and re-trigger the command
