What is the use of Required field option at PageLayout?

9 Answer(s)

Only fields which are accessible to end users can be made required. It is mainly used when we need to make a field as required to one set of user and optional for other set of users

Thankyou Amit.

Amit, I asked one more question about the 'User License' continue to that..... Even though I created a New Profile ( by default License : Salesforce).but this new profile is not reflecting when I am trying to create New user with this new profile.
Is this all because there no option Salesforce in User License???

Yes.. Your understanding is right

Then how to solve this? Which option should I have to select to create a new user? Is there any setting to get the option Salesforce?

I could create a new user with user license: Salesforce Platform where my custom profile is reflected ( I created this custom profile with user license : Salesforce platform)

You can only create 2 Salesforce license Users in Developer edition. Deactivate the existing user with salesfroce license then you would be able to do so

2 Salesforce license users includes, the one login we created first (at the time of sessions) and we can create only one more, right!

How can I deactivate my second Salesforce license user?