How to copy files to the Hadoop Cluster on EC2?

1 Answer(s)

hi Biswadip,

Best way is to install Tssh2 ( This is a multitab terminal for windows which also can transfer/receive files using SSH SCP protocol.

Once installed select File ->"New connection" , in the hostname provide "" press "OK". In the screen that appears select the radio button against "Use RSA/DSA/ECDSA/ED25519 key to login" , select "private key file" and browse the file "dzhadoop_private.ppk" and select "OK.

Once logged into AWS, goto File -> SSH SCP" and browse the file you want to transfer to AWS in the "From:" location and leave the "TO:" to "~/" and hit "Send".

This will transfer selected file to AWS ubunti users home directory.
