cant get to AWS

2 Answer(s)


Here's what I did and it worked.

1- Unzip the whole content in a folder on your laptop
2- Double-Click on Putty.exe (it's part of the zip file)
3- Left Menu: Select "Session"
3.1 Host Name: ubuntu@ec2 .... (the full address is in the PDF document)
3.2 Port: 22
3.3 Connection Type: SSH
4- Left Menu: Connection -> SSH -> Auth
4.1 Private Key File for Authentication: Browse to point to:
dzHadoop_private.ppk (That file was part of the .zip file)
5- Left Menu: Session
Save Sessions: Type a name to save this connection and click Save (so you don't have to do all this again)
Click Open

This give you a very boring black screen with some text. That's it. You're connected to AWS Linux server.

To Confirm: Type: "ls" (letter L and letter S. Lowercase. No quotes) then press enter. That will give you a list of files in the current folder.

Hadoop has been installed on that server. To confirm, type: "hadoop fs -ls" and press enter (Still no quotes) and this will give you a list of the files and folders in the root directory of Hadoop.

For the rest, let's wait for more training.

Carl Couture

hi John,

All instructions and keys to login to AWs are provided in this zip file "Windows - Remote Login to DeZyre Hadoop Cluster on EC2 " available under "Module 3 : Installing and setting up a Hadoop Cluster ".
