i cant find ip address in my virtual machine

8 Answer(s)

Hi Sujana,
Please follow the instructor video or notes to setup the hadoop, if you stuck or face any difficulty. Please post your question on discussion forum.
We will definitely with that.


at the hadoop $ prompt type ifconfig. the inet ip address shown in the result is the IP address to use. However in Filezilla I preceeded the IP address with sftp:// Additionally you will need to supply the username and pwd hadoop and 123456 respectively. the port should default to 21. BTW I am using a windows machine. Hope this works.

I am getting error during creation of name node as shown below image


Hi Sujana,
The error you are getting because of permission are not assigned to writing.
Please assign the permission to that file and proceed.
This may be because while making ubuntu server, you make the partition encrypted.

i did it ,though i am getting the error

see i di though iam getting error

Hi Sujana,
I will call you tomorrow to resolve your issue.
Thanks for your screenshot and support. I appreciate your help.
Please mail help@dezyre.com with your query and please also mention the convenient time to call you tomorrow.
