NYSE Sqoop export error

2 Answer(s)

3 steps below that I am executing and fails at export step #3, please let me know if I am wrong in execution of steps:

1) Import data using sqoop from mysql

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --table nasdaq_daily_prices --username root -P --target-dir /user/cloudera/sqoopOut -m 1

2) Run the map reduce against the input file generated by sqoop from mysql

hadoop jar Project_NYSE.jar com.dezyre.Project_NYSE /user/cloudera/sqoopOut/ /user/cloudera/sqoopOut/output

3) Run sqoop import to export data to stock_volume table

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql:// --table stock_volume --username root -P --export-dir /user/cloudera/sqoopOut/output/part-00000 -m 1

hi Neeraja,

Please check if the table has all the required columns from the exported file . IF any of the column is missing, you will see the error. If the hdfs file has 4 columns, the table in the DB also need to have 4 columns.
