Pig Installation erro

3 Answer(s)

Hi Kusum,

It looks like your hadoop server is not running at the IP Address:

Please verify your hadoop settings.
1. Please check your hadoop is setup correctly by running the following command.
If it works then try jps command. It should show namenode, datanode, secondary namenode, jobtracker and tasktracker.

If none of the above is displayed then your hadoop server is not running.

The reasons for hadoop not running is that your VM IP address might have changed or ssh might not be working.

Try formatting the namenode by running the following command ....

bin/hadoop namenode -format

and then try to start all your daemons by running the following command.

start-all.sh from the bin directory.

Once it is fixed then try to run pig and you will be displayed with grunt.


Thank you. It is working now.

Hi Kusum,
Thanks Venkata for the help.
Thanks Kusum for the update.