Installed the Pseudo distributed hadoop mode correctly on a new VM.On it does not start all the demons always they keep fluctuating how to solve this?

6 Answer(s)


I have the same problem, to circumvent the issue, I format the namenode before starting the hadoop daemons. This is the command I use before starting the daemons:

hadoop namenode -format

This should fix it (atleast it did for me :)). HTH.


try virtualbox....

I faced same issue. Installed everything a fresh but didn't work. Then created VM in Virtualbox and now its working fine.

So try virtualbox. Mine is - Ver 4.2.18

Hi Srinivas,

I did try formatting the namenode many times it did not work for me. Infact tried even now but it did not work.

Thank you for your prompt response.


Saurabh, thank you for sharing your experience

Thats a long process but will try.

Atleast if it works worth trying.......:-)



Saurabh qq what is the OS that you have installed your Virtual Box on?

Mine is Window 10 64 bit.

Hi Kavya,

Please use the Ubuntu Server 64-bit OS instead of 32-bit OS. This is issue because of the Window 10 Firewall settings.

You won't find the same issue with the Ubuntu Server 64-bit. You can download the ISO here:


Hope this helps.


Hello Dezyre support team,

Thank you for all your responses.

I tried installing - ubuntu-14.04.4-server-amd64 for my Windows 10 64-bit machine on the VMware and it finally finally worked which is such a great relief.

ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64 ---was not working for me probably the download iso is not complete or has some problem.

Once again thank you for your support and you can suggest the same for anyone working on Windows 10 64 bit VMware :-)


