how to find files in hadoop web UI

4 Answer(s)

can u check the web ui address carefully, not sure what node u are trying to check for instance if its your name node then the address should be ip:50070. 

Hi Ramesh,

You can access the files using Namenode UI--> Browse the File System--> You can able to see all the files inside.

You can also check the file availability using "ls" command. For example - $ hadoop fs -ls /Data/Small/war_and_peace11.txt

Hope this helps.


Thanks for your replies.

Hi Abhijit,

When i browsed file system it navigating to data node and showing two folders data and User. When clicked on data folder it is throwing error as data node connection refused. It would be great, if you can assist through Team Viewer. I can be available from 8pm IST onward.

Hi Abhijit,

Thanks for your suggetions and support.I have configured cluster, pig and hive also..


Please share if you have any doc for data nodes adding and deleting to the existing cluster..


