Building Spark Applications in IDE( NeedPOM.XML dependencies)

3 Answer(s)

Hi Ramesh,

The dependencies will be given by faculty only based on spark version and other course related dependencies. I would recommend you to please wait for the class.



Hi Ramesh,


It is in the document Prashant shared with us; Setting up Spark Project with Scala IDE and Maven.txt

You need to update your pom.xml in the IDE tab as follows;

pom.xml for Spark projects - Copy this and add it into your project pom.xml file within the <project></project> tags

			<name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>



			<!-- mixed scala/java compile -->
			<!-- for fatjar -->
				<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings 
					only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->

Thank you Tejus...

Somehow  I missed document "Setting up Spark Project with Scala IDE and Maven.txt" .Can you please share me. My Email