Spark Installation Error - spark-shell is not recognized

6 Answer(s)

Hi Lokesh,

Please check the environment variable in Window System has been set properly.

Hope this helps.


THe variables are set exactly the way it is in the document. The jdk version that I installed is jdk1.8.0_151 and so the path is different from that in your document. 

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151 

PLease see the attached screenshot of the PATH variable. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Hi Lokesh,

You are using Spark_Home in the variable, could you please check if you have defined the variable before and the path mention in the variable is correct.

Hope this helps.


All variables have been defined exactly as the instructions say. Please see attachments.

In the class, the instructor tried to fix this issues but could not because time limitations; he mentioned that tHere are double quotes (see attachment) around the path and I am not able to remove it. how do I remove the double quotes? 

The Java Path is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151. Path variable show %JAVA_HOME%\bin but there is no bin directory in JAVA_HOME - is this OK?

Abhijith, I sent you my phone number on Sat 12.50 PM US CST because you said you will call me to help me fix this. When will you call?