How to aggregate multiple columns in a dataframe in R?

This recipe helps you aggregate multiple columns in a dataframe in R

Recipe Objective

Aggregate function is used in similar places where to apply function is applied. It calculates the summary statistics after collating raw data with respect to a grouping variable in a dataset. ​

It is a two step process. Firstly, it groups the raw data based on a categorical variable and then perform the required calculation on each groups formed.

There are three things which is required to perform aggregation: Data, grouping variable and function/calculation to perform.

Syntax: aggregate (x, by = , FUN = )


  1. x = dataframe
  2. by = Grouping variable/column in the form of list input
  3. FUN = built-in or derived function that needs to be performed on multiple columns after aggregation.

In this recipe, we will demonstrate how to aggregate multiple columns in a dataframe in R. ​

Step 1: Creating a DataFrame

Creating a STUDENT dataframe with Name and marks of two subjects in 3 Trimester exams. ​

STUDENT = data.frame(Name = c("Ram","Ram", "Ram", "Shyam", "Shyam", "Shyam", "Jessica", "Jessica", "Jessica"), Science_Marks = c(55, 60, 65, 80, 70, 75, 45, 65, 70), Math_Marks = c(70, 75, 73, 50, 53, 55, 65, 78, 75), Trimester = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)) STUDENT

Name 	Science_Marks	Math_Marks	Trimester
Ram	55		70		1
Ram	60		75		2
Ram	65		73		3
Shyam	80		50		1
Shyam	70		53		2
Shyam	75		55		3
Jessica	45		65		1
Jessica	65		78		2
Jessica	70		75		3

Step 2: Application of Aggregate Function

Query 1: To find the average marks for each student in a year (Trimester 1, 2 and 3) ​

We will use aggregate function to carry out this task with grouping variable as "Name" and FUN = mean. ​

aggregate(STUDENT[ , 2:3], by = list(STUDENT$Name), FUN = mean)

Group_1		Science_Marks	Math_Marks
Jessica		60		72.66667
Ram		60		72.66667
Shyam		75		52.66667

Query 2: To find the average marks of the subjects in each trimester. ​

We will use aggregate function to carry out this task with grouping variable as "Trimester" and FUN = mean. ​

aggregate(STUDENT[ , 2:3], by = list(STUDENT$Trimester), FUN = mean)

Group_1		Science_Marks	Math_Marks
1		60		61.66667
2		65		68.66667
3		70		67.66667

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