How to assign a new column in a Pandas DataFrame?

This recipe helps you assign a new column in a Pandas DataFrame

Recipe Objective

Have you tried to add new column in pandas dataframe?

So this is the recipe on how we can assign a new column in a Pandas DataFrame.

Step 1 - Importing Library

import pandas as pd

We have only imported pandas which is needed.

Step 2 - Creating DataFrame

We have created a empty dataframe and added columns to it. df = pd.DataFrame() df["StudentName"] = ["John", "Steve", "Sarah"] print(df)

Step 3 - Adding a column

We have added a column with values of marks assigned in the function. df = df.assign(Marks = [71, 82, 89]) print(df) So the output comes as

0        John
1       Steve
2       Sarah

  StudentName  Marks
0        John     71
1       Steve     82
2       Sarah     89

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