How to calculate area under the curve in R

This recipe helps you calculate area under the curve in R

Recipe Objective

How to calculate area under the curve in R?

How to calculate the area under the curve in R? Logistic Regression is a classification type supervised learning model. Logistic Regression is used when the independent variable x, can be a continuous or categorical variable, but the dependent variable (y) is a categorical variable. The ROC curve visualizes two metrics of the logistics regression model, TPR — True positive rate and FPR — False positive rate. Plotting all the TPR and FPR values, give a curve known as ROC — Receiver Operator Characteristic curve. The area under the ROC curve is called AUC — Area Under Curve. AUC ranges between 0 and 1 and is used for successful classification of the logistics model. This recipe demonstrates how to calculate area under the curve in R.

Step 1 - Load the necessary libraries

install.packages("pROC") # For ROC curve to evaluate model library(pROC) install.packages('ROCR') library(ROCR)

Step 2 - Define two vectors

For example, defining two vectors, consisting of actual and corresponding predicted values.

actual_values <- c(1,1,1,0,0,0) predict_value <- c(1,0,1,0,1,0)

Step 3 - Plot a ROC curve

ROCR_pred_test <- prediction(predict_value,actual_values) ROCR_perf_test <- performance(ROCR_pred_test,'tpr','fpr') plot(ROCR_perf_test,colorize=TRUE,,by=0.1))

Step 4 - Calculate the AUC value

AUC values ranges between 0 & 1. A model whose predictions are 100% wrong has an AUC value of 0.0 and a model whose predictions are 100% correct gives an AUC value of 1.0. An AUC 1.0 concludes that the model predicted the values 100% accurately. Hence, the AUC value must be as high as possible.

auc_value <- roc(actual_values, predict_value) auc(auc_value)

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