How to create a dotplot using lattice package in R?

This recipe helps you create a dotplot using lattice package in R

Recipe Objective

How to create a dotplot using lattice package in R? A dot plot or dot chart is a graphical representation of data points on the graph as circles (dots). A dot plot is similar to a bar plot with the exception of plotting dots instead of bars. Dot plots are used for quantitative/ categorical type of data. Lattice is a data visualization and graphics package in R. This recipe demonstrates an example of dot plots.

Step 1 - Install necessary package and library

install.packages("lattice") library(lattice)

Step 2 - Create a dataframe

data <- data.frame(values = c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100), count = c(5,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7)) print(data)

 "Input data is : " 
   values count
1      10     5
2      20     5
3      30     5
4      40     5
5      50     6
6      60     6
7      70     6
8      80     7
9      90     7
10    100     7

Step 3 - Plot a dot plot

Syntax - dotplot(y ~ x , data , main , xlab, ylab) where, x , y - input variables data - input dataframe main -title of the plot xlab - title of the x axis ylab - title of the y axis

dotplot(values ~ count , data = data,main = "dot plot", xlab="x_data", ylab="y_data")

 " Output of the code is :"

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Savvy Sahai

Data Science Intern, Capgemini
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As a student looking to break into the field of data engineering and data science, one can get really confused as to which path to take. Very few ways to do it are Google, YouTube, etc. I was one of... Read More

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