How to debug a code in R

This recipe helps you debug a code in R

Recipe Objective

How to debug code in R

While writing a piece of code, no matter how big or small, bugs and errors are likely to happen. These errors can be found out and corrected by three methods: traceback(), debug(), browser() The debug () function in R returns the execution of a code line by line, i.e in order to find out which line of code has caused an error, the debug () function can be used. When the debug () is executed, it enters the debug mode. In the debug mode, the line of code that is suspected to be a cause of error is highlighted. This helps understand exactly which line of code contains an error, and corrections can be made. This recipe demonstrates an example of debugging a code in R.

Step 1 - Define a function

new_func <- function(x,y){ add <- x + y multiply <- add * 3 total <- sum(multi) total }

Step 2 - Generate some random data

set.seed(1) x <- rnorm(50)

Step 3 - Try using the traceback()

new_func(10,x) # traceback() returns this as the error, we cannot exactly find out which line of code has generated the output traceback()

"Output of traceback()" :
Error in new_func(10, x): object 'multi' not found

1. new_func(10, x)

Step 4 -Use the debug()

debug(new_func) d <- new_func(10,x)

"Output of debug()" :
debugging in: new_func(10, x)
debug at #1: {
    add <- x + y
    multiply <- add * 3
    total <- sum(multi)
debug at #2: add <- x + y
debug at #3: multiply <- add * 3
debug at #4: total <- sum(multi)
Error in new_func(10, x) : object 'multi' not found

Step 5 - Use the undebug()

undebug(new_func) # brings user out of the debugging mode. new_func(50,x) # returns back to undebug mode {"mode":"full","isActive":false}

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Abhinav Agarwal

Graduate Student at Northwestern University
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I come from Northwestern University, which is ranked 9th in the US. Although the high-quality academics at school taught me all the basics I needed, obtaining practical experience was a challenge.... Read More

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