How To Convert A Torch Tensor To Numpy Array?

This easy-to-follow PyTorch code example helps you learn how to convert a torch tensor to numpy array.

Objective For ‘How To Convert Torch Tensor To Numpy Array?’

This step-by-step PyTorch code will show you how to convert PyTorch tensor to Numpy array using a simple PyTorch tensor example.

How To Convert Tensor Torch To Numpy Array?

There are two ways to convert a PyTorch tensor to a NumPy array-

  1. Using The .numpy() Method 

This will return a NumPy array with the same memory as the PyTorch tensor. Therefore, changes to the original tensor will affect the NumPy array and vice versa. In this PyTorch example, you will use the .numoy() method to convert torch tensor to numpy array.

  1. Using The np.array() Function 

This function can convert any Python object to a NumPy array, including PyTorch tensors. However, the resulting NumPy array will not share the same memory as the original PyTorch tensor. Therefore, changes to the original tensor will not affect the NumPy array and vice versa.

Steps Showing How To Convert Torch Tensor To NumPy Array

The following steps will show you how to convert a torch tensor to numpy array using the ‘.numpy()’ function.

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Step 1 - Import Library

First, you must import the required libraries.

import torch

Step 2 - Take A Sample Tensor

The next step is to take any sample tensor.

tensor = torch.tensor([3,4,5,6])

print("This is a Sample tensor with dtype:", tensor, type(tensor))

The output of the above code is-

This is a Sample tensor with dtype: tensor([3, 4, 5, 6]) <class 'torch.Tensor'>

Step 3 - Convert The Torch Tensor To Array

The final step is to convert the sample tensor to a numpy array using the .numpy() method.

numpy_array = tensor.numpy()

print("Convert the tensor into numpy array:",numpy_array, type(numpy_array))

The output of the above code is-

Convert the tensor from torch to numpy array: [3 4 5 6] <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

This will convert the torch tensor to array.

Convert PyTorch Tensor To Numpy Array With ProjectPro

This step-by-step PyTorch code example thoroughly explains converting Torch tensors to NumPy arrays in PyTorch. We have walked through the essential steps to seamlessly convert from one data format (tensor) to another (numpy array), allowing efficient data handling and integration with other libraries and tools. Furthermore, if you want to expand your proficiency in PyTorch and apply it to real-world data science and machine learning solutions, you must explore the ProjectPro platform. By engaging with over 270 end-to-end solved projects in the ProjectPro repository, you can gain the skills and expertise needed to excel in data science and machine learning.

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Anand Kumpatla

Sr Data Scientist @ Doubleslash Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
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