How to create a discrete area chart in Tableau

This recipe helps you create a discrete area chart in Tableau

Recipe Objective - How to create a discrete area chart in Tableau?

Discrete area charts are two different area charts with different axes and represent different colors for different categories.

Steps to create the Discrete area chart:

Step 1:-

Connect the "Sample-Superstore" data set.

Step 2:-

Drag the "Order-Date" and drop it onto the "column" shelf.

Step 3:-

Drag the "Sales" and the "Profit" and drop them onto the "row" shelf one by one.

Step 4:-

Click on the "Show me" button and select "discrete area chart".

Step 5:-

Drag the "Category" dimension and drop it on the "color" in the "All" type in the "marks" card.

And Our Discrete Area Chart is Ready!

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Gautam Vermani

Data Consultant at Confidential
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Having worked in the field of Data Science, I wanted to explore how I can implement projects in other domains, So I thought of connecting with ProjectPro. A project that helped me absorb this topic... Read More

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