How to evaluate XGBoost model with learning curves example 1 in python

This recipe helps you evaluate XGBoost model with learning curves example 1 in python

Recipe Objective


While training a dataset sometimes we need to know how model is training with each row of data passed through it. Sometimes while training a very large dataset it takes a lots of time and for that we want to know that after passing speicific percentage of dataset what is the score of the model. So this can be done by learning curve. So here we are evaluating XGBoost with learning curves.

So this recipe is a short example of how we can evaluate XGBoost model with learning curves.

Step 1 - Import the library

import numpy as np from xgboost import XGBClassifier import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot') from sklearn import datasets import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve

Here we have imported various modules like datasets, XGBClassifier and learning_curve from differnt libraries. We will understand the use of these later while using it in the in the code snippet.
For now just have a look on these imports.

Step 2 - Setup the Data

Here we have used datasets to load the inbuilt wine dataset and we have created objects X and y to store the data and the target value respectively. dataset = datasets.load_wine() X =; y =

Step 3 - Learning Curve and Scores

Here, we are using Learning curve to get train_sizes, train_score and test_score. Before using Learning Curve let us have a look on its parameters.

  • estimator: In this we have to pass the models or functions on which we want to use Learning
  • train_sizes: Relative or absolute numbers of training examples that will be used to generate the learning curve.
  • Scoring: It is used as a evaluating metric for the model performance to decide the best hyperparameters, if not especified then it uses estimator score.
  • cv : In this we have to pass a interger value, as it signifies the number of splits that is needed for cross validation. By default is set as five.
  • n_jobs : This signifies the number of jobs to be run in parallel, -1 signifies to use all processor.

train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve(XGBClassifier(), X, y, cv=10, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=-1, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.01, 1.0, 50)) Now we have calculated the mean and standard deviation of the train and test scores. train_mean = np.mean(train_scores, axis=1) train_std = np.std(train_scores, axis=1) test_mean = np.mean(test_scores, axis=1) test_std = np.std(test_scores, axis=1)

Step 4 - Ploting the Learning Curve

Finally, its time to plot the learning curve. We have used matplotlib to plot lines and band of the learning curve. plt.subplots(1, figsize=(7,7)) plt.plot(train_sizes, train_mean, '--', color="#111111", label="Training score") plt.plot(train_sizes, test_mean, color="#111111", label="Cross-validation score") plt.fill_between(train_sizes, train_mean - train_std, train_mean + train_std, color="#DDDDDD") plt.fill_between(train_sizes, test_mean - test_std, test_mean + test_std, color="#DDDDDD") plt.title("Learning Curve") plt.xlabel("Training Set Size"), plt.ylabel("Accuracy Score"), plt.legend(loc="best") plt.tight_layout(); The output can be seen below in the code execution

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