How to get Classification Accuracy in R

This recipe helps you get Classification Accuracy in R

Recipe Objective

How to get Classification Accuracy?

Logistic Regression is a classification type supervised learning model. Logistic Regression is used when the independent variable x, is either a continuous or categorical variable and the dependent variable (y) is a categorical variable. Accuracy is a metric used for evaluating the performance of the model when applied on a test data set. The accuracy is derived by plotting a confusion matrix. **Accuracy** — Accuracy is a measure of how much the model predicted correctly. Hence, the accuracy of our model must be as high as possible. **Accuracy — True Positive + True Negatives / (True Positive + True Negative + False Positive +False Negative)** This recipe demonstrates an example of what is classification accuracy. .

Step 1 - Install necessary libraries

install.packages('caret') install.packages('e1071') library(caret) library(e1071)

Step 2 - Generate random data

Consider an example of performing binary classification on some random data generated to classify whether a patient has cancer or not. Class 1 — the patient has cancer Class 0 — the patient does not have cancer. The goal is to correctly classify the above data and reduce the wrongly identified data as much as possible.

set.seed(1) actual_data = c("actual = 0","actual = 1")[runif(100,1,3)] # Actual data points predicted_data = actual_data predicted_data[runif(20,1,100)] = actual_data[runif(20,1,100)] # Predicted data points

Step 3 - Create a Confusion Matrix

**Confusion matrix**: Confusion matrix is a performance metric technique for summarizing the performance of a classification algorithm. The number of correct and incorrect predictions are summarized with count values and listed down by each class of predicted and actual values It gives you insight not only into the errors made by your classifier but, more importantly, the types of errors that have been made. TN:- Actually, the patient doesn't have cancer and for which we predict the patient not to have cancer.
TP:- Actually, the patient has cancer and for which we predict the patient has cancer.
FP :-Predict the patient has cancer, but actually does not have cancer.
FN:- Predict the patient does not have cancer, but predicts that the patient has cancer.

confusion_mat = as.matrix(table(Actual_Values = actual_data, Predicted_Values = predicted_data)) print(confusion_mat) accuracy = (49+43)/(49+43+3+5) accuracy

"Output of code :" 0.92 

Step 4 - Confusion matrix using the 'caret' package


Conclusion : Here, the accuracy is 0.92 or 92% (92 out of 100 data example points, were predicted correctly). From our confusion matrix, we can see that the False Negatives, FN — 5 i.e Patients that have cancer but are predicted as not having cancer. This should be reduced as the patient won't be receiving treatment due to false diagnosis. But, accuracy alone doesn't provide sufficient information about the performance of our model, hence other performance metrics like precision and recall must be considered.


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Abhinav Agarwal

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I come from Northwestern University, which is ranked 9th in the US. Although the high-quality academics at school taught me all the basics I needed, obtaining practical experience was a challenge.... Read More

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