Replace function in python

This tutorial helps us understand how to use replace function in python

Replace function in python

The replace() method replaces each matching occurrence of the old sub-string/old text in the string with the new sub-string/new text.




  • old : Old substring to be replaced
  • new: New substring that replaces old substring
  • count : Optional parameter which depicts the number of times old substring to be replaced by new substring in the given string. If count is given as 0, we get the copy of the given string without any replacement.



    #replacing 'h' with 'c'
    print('character replacement--',text.replace('h','c'))

    #replacing 'catch' with 'throw'
    string='catch the ball'
    print('string replacement--',string.replace('catch','throw'))

    #replacing 'cream' with 'tream' for multiple times
    string2='I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream'
    print('multiple substring replacement--',string2.replace('cream','tream',3))




        character replacement--cat
        string replacement--throw the ball
        multiple substring replacement--I stream, you stream, we all stream for ice cream


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