predict and deploy model function in anomaly detection pycaret

This recipe explains the predict model and deploy model function in anomaly detection using pycaret. The Predict model function generates anomaly labels on a trained model and Deploy model function deploys the transformation pipeline.

Recipe Objective - What are the predict_model and deploy_model functions in anomaly detection in pycaret?

PyCaret provides predict_model and deploy_model functions in the anomaly detection module.

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Predict Model function with Example:-

PyCaret provides "pycaret.anomaly.predict_model()" function. The Predict model function generates anomaly labels on using a trained model.

from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anmly = get_data('anomaly')
# importing anomaly module
from pycaret.anomaly import *
# initialize the setup
setup_name = setup(data = anmly)
# Knn model
knn = create_model('knn')
# predict model function
knn_predictions = predict_model(model = knn, data = anmly)

deploy_model function with Example:-

PyCaret provides "pycaret.anomaly.deploy_model()" function. The Deploy model function deploys the transformation pipeline and trained model on cloud.

from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anmly = get_data('anomaly')
# importing anomaly module
from pycaret.anomaly import *
# initialize the setup
setup_name = setup(data = anmly)
# Knn model
knn = create_model('knn')
# sets appropriate credentials for the platform as environment variables
import os
os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = str("foo")
os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = str("bar")
deploy_model(model = lr, model_name = 'lr-for-deployment', platform = 'aws',
    authentication = {'bucket' : 'S3-bucket-name'})

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Jingwei Li

Graduate Research assistance at Stony Brook University
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ProjectPro is an awesome platform that helps me learn much hands-on industrial experience with a step-by-step walkthrough of projects. There are two primary paths to learn: Data Science and Big Data.... Read More

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