Which is this operator %>% in R

what is the infix operator in R

Recipe Objective

"%>%" is an infix operator which is defined by magittr package and is heavily used by dplyr and tidyr packages. ​

It is mainly used to perform piping or chaining. Hence, the reference to Margritte's famous painting called "Treachery of Images". This concept is widely used when working with data especially when using dplyr and tidyr packages. Nesting is a usual way to perform multiple operations in one line but this gets complicated for the user to understand.

"%>%" operator increases the readability of the nested operation by using the concept of chaining. ​

In this recipe, we will demonstrate how "%>%" operator is used with a user defined function. ​


# Data manipulation library(dplyr) x = c(1:10) y = 5 #defining a complex function with multiple operations in one line func = mean(sum((x-y)^2)) func
# using "%>%" to simplify the readability of the same defined function func_1 = (x-y)^2 %>% sum() %>% mean() func_1

Note: ​

  1. "%>%" operator can be read as "THEN" in this case. For example: first (x-y)^2 operation takes place THEN sum() operation and THEN mean() operation.
  2. It increases the readablity of the nested function by giving us the sequence if operation.

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