What is the use of tf equal function

This recipe explains what is the use of tf equal function

Recipe objective

What is the use of tf.equal function?

This can be achieved by using "tf.math.equal" function available in tensorflow, which returns the truth value of (x==y) element wise. It performs a broadcast with the arguments and then an element wise equality comparison which will return a tensor of boolean values.

Step 1 - Import library

import tensorflow as tf

Step 2 - Take Sample data

x_data = tf.constant([3, 6]) y_data = tf.constant(6)

Step 3 - Perform Equal

equal = tf.math.equal(x_data, y_data) equal



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Jingwei Li

Graduate Research assistance at Stony Brook University
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ProjectPro is an awesome platform that helps me learn much hands-on industrial experience with a step-by-step walkthrough of projects. There are two primary paths to learn: Data Science and Big Data.... Read More

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