How to select features using chi squared in Python?

This recipe helps you select features using chi squared in Python

Recipe Objective

To increse the score of the model we need the dataset that has high chi-squared statistics, so it will be good if we can select the features in the dataset which has high chi-squared statistics.

This data science python source code does the following:
1.Selects features using Chi-Squared method
2. Selects the best features
3. Optimizes the final prediction results

So this is the recipe on how we can select features using chi-squared in python.

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Step 1 - Import the library

from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2

We have only imported datasets to import the datasets, SelectKBest and chi2.

Step 2 - Setting up the Data

We have imported inbuilt wine dataset and stored data in X and target in y. We have also used print statement to print rows of the dataset. wine = datasets.load_wine() X = print(X) y = print(y)

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Step 3 - Selecting Features With high chi-square

We have used SelectKBest to select the features with best chi-square, we have passed two parameters one is the scoring metric that is chi2 and other is the value of K which signifies the number of features we want in final dataset. We have used fit_transform to fit and transfrom the current dataset into the desired dataset. Finally we have printed the final dataset and the shape of initial and final dataset. chi2_selector = SelectKBest(chi2, k=2) X_kbest = chi2_selector.fit_transform(X, y) print(X_kbest) print('Original number of features:', X.shape) print('Reduced number of features:', X_kbest.shape) So the output comes as

[[1.423e+01 1.710e+00 2.430e+00 ... 1.040e+00 3.920e+00 1.065e+03]
 [1.320e+01 1.780e+00 2.140e+00 ... 1.050e+00 3.400e+00 1.050e+03]
 [1.316e+01 2.360e+00 2.670e+00 ... 1.030e+00 3.170e+00 1.185e+03]
 [1.327e+01 4.280e+00 2.260e+00 ... 5.900e-01 1.560e+00 8.350e+02]
 [1.317e+01 2.590e+00 2.370e+00 ... 6.000e-01 1.620e+00 8.400e+02]
 [1.413e+01 4.100e+00 2.740e+00 ... 6.100e-01 1.600e+00 5.600e+02]]

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 [4.920000e+00 5.900000e+02]
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 [5.600000e+00 7.800000e+02]
 [4.350000e+00 5.200000e+02]
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 [8.210000e+00 8.550000e+02]
 [4.000000e+00 8.300000e+02]
 [4.900000e+00 4.150000e+02]
 [7.650000e+00 6.250000e+02]
 [8.420000e+00 6.500000e+02]
 [9.400000e+00 5.500000e+02]
 [8.600000e+00 5.000000e+02]
 [1.080000e+01 4.800000e+02]
 [7.100000e+00 4.250000e+02]
 [1.052000e+01 6.750000e+02]
 [7.600000e+00 6.400000e+02]
 [7.900000e+00 7.250000e+02]
 [9.010000e+00 4.800000e+02]
 [7.500000e+00 8.800000e+02]
 [1.300000e+01 6.600000e+02]
 [1.175000e+01 6.200000e+02]
 [7.650000e+00 5.200000e+02]
 [5.880000e+00 6.800000e+02]
 [5.580000e+00 5.700000e+02]
 [5.280000e+00 6.750000e+02]
 [9.580000e+00 6.150000e+02]
 [6.620000e+00 5.200000e+02]
 [1.068000e+01 6.950000e+02]
 [1.026000e+01 6.850000e+02]
 [8.660000e+00 7.500000e+02]
 [8.500000e+00 6.300000e+02]
 [5.500000e+00 5.100000e+02]
 [9.899999e+00 4.700000e+02]
 [9.700000e+00 6.600000e+02]
 [7.700000e+00 7.400000e+02]
 [7.300000e+00 7.500000e+02]
 [1.020000e+01 8.350000e+02]
 [9.300000e+00 8.400000e+02]
 [9.200000e+00 5.600000e+02]]

Original number of features: (178, 13)
Reduced number of features: (178, 2)

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As a student looking to break into the field of data engineering and data science, one can get really confused as to which path to take. Very few ways to do it are Google, YouTube, etc. I was one of... Read More

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