How to create a GRU in pytorch

This recipe helps you create a GRU in pytorch

Recipe Objective

How to create a GRU in PyTorch?

This is achieved by using the torch.nn.GRU function which is applying a multi layer gated recurrent unit which is nothing but the GRU RNN to an input sequence.

PyTorch vs Tensorflow - Which One Should You Choose For Your Next Deep Learning Project ?

Step 1 - Import library

import torch

Step 2 - Make GRU

my_gru = torch.nn.GRU(20, 20, 4)

Step 3 - Define input and shape of layers

input_data = torch.randn(10, 4, 20)
h_0_data = torch.randn(4, 4, 20)

Step 4 - Apply GRU

output_data, h_n_data = my_gru(input_data, h_0_data)
print("This is the output data:",output_data, "\n")
print("This is hidden state:",h_n_data)

This is the output data: tensor([[[-3.5257e-01, -6.0325e-01,  3.7681e-01, -3.2584e-01,  5.7271e-01,
           4.0499e-01, -5.2022e-01,  3.5511e-01,  4.2433e-02,  3.2935e-02,
           5.9637e-02,  4.8567e-01, -3.2511e-01, -1.9404e-01, -4.0323e-01,
          -1.9137e-02,  3.2097e-01,  2.0129e-01,  1.8089e-01,  1.0978e-01],
         [-5.9031e-01, -1.8283e-01,  4.1243e-01, -6.0601e-01, -1.6516e+00,
           2.4498e-01, -3.6091e-01, -4.9958e-01,  7.1854e-01, -4.1968e-01,
           2.4215e-01, -1.0387e+00, -4.8143e-01, -2.4346e-01, -1.2174e-01,
          -5.8853e-02,  4.0113e-01,  3.3840e-01,  7.2824e-02, -7.0315e-01],
         [-4.6127e-01, -3.6952e-01, -1.1964e+00, -2.0305e-01,  4.2952e-01,
          -2.9603e-01, -3.9396e-03,  6.5457e-01, -7.4918e-01, -6.7001e-01,
           5.5082e-01, -3.6643e-01,  1.0044e+00, -4.5786e-01, -8.6350e-01,
           7.0952e-01, -5.3744e-01,  2.5078e-01,  1.4593e-01, -2.6031e-01],
         [ 6.6160e-01, -1.0241e+00,  1.0481e-02, -1.0129e+00, -9.5937e-02,
           4.6673e-02,  2.7814e-02, -9.1663e-01,  2.7092e-01,  2.3036e-01,
           9.3286e-01, -9.9219e-01, -9.2160e-01, -2.9476e-01,  1.6657e-02,
           5.3559e-01, -1.3702e-01, -8.7886e-01,  3.9514e-01,  4.3436e-01]],

        [[-1.9122e-01, -9.8273e-02,  1.2223e-01, -1.7883e-01,  5.2069e-01,
          -2.2018e-02, -3.2053e-01,  2.9019e-01, -1.8584e-01, -9.9312e-02,
           1.4876e-02,  2.7383e-01, -2.9829e-01, -2.0966e-01, -2.1641e-01,
          -2.6858e-01,  1.7109e-01,  9.8135e-02,  2.7555e-02, -9.7616e-02],
         [-4.4145e-01,  6.8763e-02,  1.8921e-01, -2.2197e-01, -7.6865e-01,
           1.0955e-01, -3.7669e-01, -2.7032e-01,  3.2424e-01, -5.2213e-01,
           2.0233e-01, -3.9297e-01, -4.1984e-01, -2.5487e-01, -3.0405e-01,
           1.6157e-02,  4.5240e-02,  2.0210e-01, -1.8408e-02, -1.4580e-01],
         [-4.0816e-01, -1.9272e-01, -9.7198e-01, -7.2211e-02,  4.0123e-01,
          -1.6722e-01, -2.5704e-01,  5.6354e-01, -7.1037e-01, -4.9016e-01,
           4.3144e-02, -3.5106e-01,  8.3300e-01, -4.0716e-01, -4.7336e-01,
           3.5242e-01, -4.9447e-01,  3.3389e-01,  7.0814e-02, -2.0190e-01],
         [ 5.2071e-01, -6.5492e-01, -2.6646e-01, -7.1111e-01,  4.2677e-02,
           6.0195e-02,  7.8938e-03, -5.4993e-01,  9.5302e-02,  3.1963e-01,
           5.9517e-01, -4.3954e-01, -8.1247e-01, -1.1960e-01, -1.6329e-01,
           2.9959e-01,  4.6766e-02, -4.6342e-01,  2.3437e-01,  3.3319e-01]],

        [[-1.6752e-01,  1.3031e-01, -4.8660e-02, -1.3289e-01,  4.6559e-01,
          -1.8241e-01, -2.5889e-01,  2.4964e-01, -3.1082e-01, -1.7225e-01,
          -5.2269e-02,  1.8618e-01, -1.7835e-01, -2.3875e-01, -1.4765e-01,
          -3.4576e-01,  5.0683e-02,  7.0277e-02, -5.0934e-02, -7.3643e-02],
         [-4.2515e-01,  1.9330e-01,  1.0895e-02, -1.4034e-01, -2.5120e-01,
           9.6355e-02, -3.3489e-01, -9.6485e-02,  6.2567e-02, -4.4190e-01,
           1.4932e-01, -9.3036e-02, -3.3620e-01, -2.7323e-01, -3.6810e-01,
           1.0660e-01, -5.4985e-03,  4.8381e-02, -1.3594e-01,  1.2797e-01],
         [-3.7478e-01, -2.2461e-02, -8.0193e-01, -5.0541e-02,  3.4762e-01,
          -7.9647e-02, -3.4443e-01,  4.5496e-01, -6.3498e-01, -3.7831e-01,
          -1.4987e-01, -2.5103e-01,  6.7978e-01, -3.5815e-01, -3.1329e-01,
           1.6059e-01, -4.5171e-01,  2.6664e-01,  4.3204e-02, -5.6015e-02],
         [ 3.1383e-01, -3.2084e-01, -3.8000e-01, -5.0376e-01,  1.5643e-01,
           6.2568e-02, -6.4008e-02, -3.0334e-01, -1.5168e-02,  3.0263e-01,
           3.9007e-01, -1.4331e-01, -6.7359e-01, -7.7264e-02, -2.0942e-01,
           1.6851e-01,  1.2699e-01, -2.0729e-01,  8.4433e-02,  2.2303e-01]],

        [[-1.9951e-01,  2.2409e-01, -1.5456e-01, -1.3487e-01,  4.2064e-01,
          -2.0631e-01, -2.6335e-01,  2.1477e-01, -3.4324e-01, -2.0060e-01,
          -1.0170e-01,  1.3098e-01, -5.3913e-02, -2.8088e-01, -1.4762e-01,
          -3.1272e-01, -2.5395e-02,  3.9306e-02, -8.6915e-02,  3.5670e-03],
         [-4.0231e-01,  2.4257e-01, -1.3074e-01, -1.4240e-01,  2.0085e-02,
           9.6720e-02, -3.1516e-01,  1.1341e-02, -1.0017e-01, -3.0291e-01,
           1.0922e-01, -3.2604e-03, -2.5442e-01, -2.8261e-01, -3.8497e-01,
           1.5811e-01, -5.4821e-03, -4.6344e-02, -1.9841e-01,  2.0822e-01],
         [-3.2551e-01,  9.0523e-02, -6.7393e-01, -7.5704e-02,  3.1930e-01,
          -1.7572e-02, -3.6845e-01,  3.3534e-01, -5.4765e-01, -2.7119e-01,
          -1.8212e-01, -1.5886e-01,  5.3409e-01, -3.2419e-01, -2.7555e-01,
           8.8708e-02, -3.9941e-01,  1.2664e-01,  4.4510e-02,  8.6389e-02],
         [ 1.3954e-01, -9.3555e-02, -4.1780e-01, -3.7242e-01,  2.3935e-01,
           5.7587e-02, -1.4371e-01, -1.6685e-01, -8.4725e-02,  2.4596e-01,
           2.5742e-01, -2.0934e-02, -5.2591e-01, -9.3083e-02, -2.2277e-01,
           1.0595e-01,  1.3321e-01, -9.5515e-02, -1.5655e-02,  1.4464e-01]],

        [[-2.2685e-01,  2.4816e-01, -2.1655e-01, -1.5877e-01,  3.8766e-01,
          -1.7526e-01, -2.9837e-01,  1.8130e-01, -3.3772e-01, -2.0187e-01,
          -1.3693e-01,  8.1428e-02,  4.7869e-02, -3.1715e-01, -1.6445e-01,
          -2.4781e-01, -7.4383e-02,  8.9302e-03, -9.4694e-02,  6.8949e-02],
         [-3.6480e-01,  2.4722e-01, -2.2170e-01, -1.5426e-01,  1.5334e-01,
           9.6882e-02, -3.1658e-01,  5.6064e-02, -1.8822e-01, -1.8975e-01,
           6.7152e-02,  9.7271e-03, -1.8717e-01, -2.8540e-01, -3.7849e-01,
           1.6482e-01, -1.5371e-02, -9.8311e-02, -2.0780e-01,  2.1993e-01],
         [-2.8077e-01,  1.5530e-01, -5.7469e-01, -1.1213e-01,  3.1751e-01,
           2.3849e-02, -3.6861e-01,  2.2862e-01, -4.6564e-01, -1.7063e-01,
          -1.6039e-01, -9.9901e-02,  3.9963e-01, -3.1420e-01, -2.8815e-01,
           5.9017e-02, -3.4082e-01, -2.0618e-03,  5.4727e-02,  1.7584e-01],
         [ 1.1074e-02,  4.3741e-02, -4.2191e-01, -2.9566e-01,  2.9465e-01,
           5.1546e-02, -2.0595e-01, -9.0223e-02, -1.2801e-01,  1.8163e-01,
           1.6675e-01,  1.4507e-02, -3.9425e-01, -1.3408e-01, -2.2816e-01,
           7.1458e-02,  1.0304e-01, -6.0851e-02, -6.9813e-02,  1.0447e-01]],

        [[-2.3717e-01,  2.4560e-01, -2.4785e-01, -1.8371e-01,  3.5756e-01,
          -1.3250e-01, -3.3481e-01,  1.5019e-01, -3.1754e-01, -1.8960e-01,
          -1.5631e-01,  4.0424e-02,  1.1359e-01, -3.3659e-01, -1.7638e-01,
          -1.8660e-01, -1.0796e-01, -1.3218e-02, -8.5599e-02,  1.0937e-01],
         [-3.2646e-01,  2.3046e-01, -2.6579e-01, -1.7203e-01,  2.1437e-01,
           9.3096e-02, -3.3264e-01,  6.4429e-02, -2.3362e-01, -1.1887e-01,
           2.5844e-02, -5.9269e-03, -1.3657e-01, -2.7660e-01, -3.5059e-01,
           1.4543e-01, -4.1491e-02, -1.1860e-01, -1.7898e-01,  2.0321e-01],
         [-2.6180e-01,  1.8982e-01, -4.9465e-01, -1.5332e-01,  3.3751e-01,
           4.2177e-02, -3.6131e-01,  1.5174e-01, -3.9683e-01, -9.0574e-02,
          -1.3451e-01, -7.7353e-02,  2.8081e-01, -3.2155e-01, -3.0836e-01,
           3.5021e-02, -2.7743e-01, -8.5117e-02,  6.2857e-02,  2.0566e-01],
         [-7.4263e-02,  1.2216e-01, -4.1295e-01, -2.6124e-01,  3.2838e-01,
           4.0267e-02, -2.5801e-01, -3.8918e-02, -1.6236e-01,  1.2797e-01,
           9.9388e-02,  9.1188e-03, -2.8504e-01, -1.7622e-01, -2.2023e-01,
           4.2337e-02,  6.1741e-02, -5.0961e-02, -8.3473e-02,  7.8634e-02]],

        [[-2.5660e-01,  2.3923e-01, -2.5282e-01, -2.0337e-01,  3.3184e-01,
          -8.9981e-02, -3.5572e-01,  1.2271e-01, -2.8920e-01, -1.8606e-01,
          -1.6362e-01,  2.1673e-03,  1.3392e-01, -3.4578e-01, -1.8833e-01,
          -1.3113e-01, -1.3524e-01, -2.4226e-02, -7.1607e-02,  1.3256e-01],
         [-3.1016e-01,  2.1184e-01, -2.7391e-01, -1.9118e-01,  2.4006e-01,
           8.1777e-02, -3.5206e-01,  6.4537e-02, -2.5456e-01, -9.9274e-02,
          -1.8296e-02, -2.9064e-02, -1.0267e-01, -2.6487e-01, -3.1222e-01,
           1.0917e-01, -7.3661e-02, -1.0781e-01, -1.4101e-01,  1.7699e-01],
         [-2.4569e-01,  2.0318e-01, -4.3312e-01, -1.9013e-01,  3.4607e-01,
           4.6752e-02, -3.6065e-01,  9.9960e-02, -3.3949e-01, -3.2186e-02,
          -1.1848e-01, -7.2162e-02,  1.8711e-01, -3.2674e-01, -3.0393e-01,
           1.8445e-02, -2.3079e-01, -1.2937e-01,  7.1797e-02,  1.9242e-01],
         [-1.3378e-01,  1.6098e-01, -4.0057e-01, -2.5365e-01,  3.5027e-01,
           3.0125e-02, -2.9759e-01, -9.3294e-03, -1.8193e-01,  8.2536e-02,
           4.6250e-02, -1.6784e-02, -2.0397e-01, -2.1583e-01, -2.0633e-01,
           1.8390e-02,  2.2680e-02, -4.5915e-02, -7.6309e-02,  6.5137e-02]],

        [[-2.6803e-01,  2.2797e-01, -2.4938e-01, -2.2410e-01,  3.0997e-01,
          -5.8781e-02, -3.6767e-01,  9.6937e-02, -2.6660e-01, -1.7761e-01,
          -1.6419e-01, -3.4846e-02,  1.2211e-01, -3.4843e-01, -1.8247e-01,
          -9.2400e-02, -1.5474e-01, -3.0171e-02, -4.9615e-02,  1.3579e-01],
         [-2.9673e-01,  2.0612e-01, -2.7944e-01, -2.0105e-01,  2.5192e-01,
           7.1161e-02, -3.5872e-01,  6.0554e-02, -2.6852e-01, -9.4308e-02,
          -4.5881e-02, -4.5210e-02, -8.1419e-02, -2.6007e-01, -2.7438e-01,
           7.7579e-02, -1.0340e-01, -9.7610e-02, -1.0478e-01,  1.5510e-01],
         [-2.3949e-01,  2.0492e-01, -3.8762e-01, -2.1997e-01,  3.4759e-01,
           4.2457e-02, -3.6229e-01,  6.8318e-02, -2.9711e-01, -3.5429e-03,
          -1.1383e-01, -7.7915e-02,  1.2099e-01, -3.2803e-01, -2.8288e-01,
           9.8710e-03, -2.0249e-01, -1.4271e-01,  7.4880e-02,  1.6671e-01],
         [-1.8224e-01,  1.8270e-01, -3.8950e-01, -2.5618e-01,  3.6386e-01,
           2.6625e-02, -3.1981e-01,  5.2382e-03, -1.8719e-01,  4.2516e-02,
           5.4355e-03, -4.8995e-02, -1.5488e-01, -2.5436e-01, -1.9095e-01,
           1.9910e-03, -1.2926e-02, -3.9641e-02, -6.0316e-02,  5.7426e-02]],

        [[-2.8018e-01,  2.2370e-01, -2.3841e-01, -2.4390e-01,  2.8889e-01,
          -4.8420e-02, -3.7180e-01,  8.7240e-02, -2.5285e-01, -1.8025e-01,
          -1.6758e-01, -6.0894e-02,  1.0125e-01, -3.4295e-01, -1.6344e-01,
          -7.9027e-02, -1.6146e-01, -1.6084e-02, -3.2474e-02,  1.2430e-01],
         [-2.8119e-01,  2.0523e-01, -2.9023e-01, -2.0693e-01,  2.7009e-01,
           6.7453e-02, -3.5589e-01,  5.0499e-02, -2.7776e-01, -8.9518e-02,
          -6.0246e-02, -6.1228e-02, -6.9642e-02, -2.6643e-01, -2.4745e-01,
           5.2321e-02, -1.2166e-01, -9.5882e-02, -7.1536e-02,  1.4752e-01],
         [-2.4141e-01,  2.0273e-01, -3.5681e-01, -2.4153e-01,  3.4291e-01,
           4.0804e-02, -3.6406e-01,  4.9810e-02, -2.6988e-01,  8.0396e-03,
          -1.0789e-01, -8.4890e-02,  7.0776e-02, -3.2307e-01, -2.6066e-01,
           1.3517e-02, -1.8527e-01, -1.4421e-01,  7.3444e-02,  1.4385e-01],
         [-2.1676e-01,  1.9428e-01, -3.8135e-01, -2.5811e-01,  3.7041e-01,
           3.2289e-02, -3.2607e-01,  5.9846e-03, -1.8404e-01,  7.5610e-03,
          -2.2389e-02, -7.8454e-02, -1.3064e-01, -2.8681e-01, -1.8134e-01,
          -2.2661e-05, -4.5871e-02, -4.0483e-02, -4.5466e-02,  6.0245e-02]],

        [[-2.9305e-01,  2.2497e-01, -2.2991e-01, -2.6210e-01,  2.7677e-01,
          -4.7456e-02, -3.7531e-01,  9.1893e-02, -2.4947e-01, -1.8620e-01,
          -1.7134e-01, -7.7954e-02,  8.6340e-02, -3.4087e-01, -1.4247e-01,
          -7.7346e-02, -1.5506e-01,  5.6221e-03, -2.1138e-02,  1.0540e-01],
         [-2.6055e-01,  2.0358e-01, -2.9647e-01, -2.0824e-01,  2.8282e-01,
           7.0376e-02, -3.5000e-01,  3.8520e-02, -2.8129e-01, -8.5425e-02,
          -6.5337e-02, -7.0258e-02, -5.9397e-02, -2.6895e-01, -2.3462e-01,
           3.6933e-02, -1.3267e-01, -1.0049e-01, -4.6274e-02,  1.5483e-01],
         [-2.4602e-01,  2.0742e-01, -3.3668e-01, -2.4800e-01,  3.3161e-01,
           4.7077e-02, -3.5865e-01,  3.8686e-02, -2.5637e-01,  7.3562e-03,
          -9.4601e-02, -8.3786e-02,  3.3584e-02, -3.1317e-01, -2.5079e-01,
           3.0364e-02, -1.8101e-01, -1.4502e-01,  6.6671e-02,  1.3347e-01],
         [-2.3997e-01,  2.0217e-01, -3.7549e-01, -2.5650e-01,  3.7264e-01,
           4.5409e-02, -3.1888e-01,  3.3823e-04, -1.7822e-01, -1.8905e-02,
          -3.6141e-02, -1.0132e-01, -1.2148e-01, -3.1265e-01, -1.8281e-01,
           1.1807e-02, -7.2118e-02, -4.8410e-02, -3.4601e-02,  7.1965e-02]]],

This is hidden state: tensor([[[-1.5578e-01,  6.3665e-02, -4.5194e-01, -4.7867e-02,  8.1945e-02,
          -4.3716e-01,  2.7361e-01, -2.9341e-02, -3.2566e-01, -3.4417e-01,
           2.3009e-01, -4.1757e-01, -2.4193e-01,  3.0681e-02, -2.2705e-02,
           4.3180e-01,  1.4227e-01, -1.4489e-01, -3.9828e-01, -6.1347e-01],
         [ 2.1799e-01, -9.6391e-02,  2.2520e-01, -2.1957e-01, -1.8771e-01,
          -3.7281e-01, -1.0545e-02, -1.8155e-01,  1.7960e-01,  1.4532e-02,
           1.8363e-01, -3.2759e-02, -1.8658e-01,  3.3290e-01, -2.6345e-02,
           4.9141e-02, -2.1326e-02, -1.1830e-01, -8.7123e-02,  4.5344e-01],
         [ 2.7514e-01, -2.9151e-01,  1.8429e-02, -1.7047e-01,  2.0113e-01,
          -2.4307e-01,  4.4335e-01,  2.8906e-01, -3.2847e-01,  3.4700e-01,
           6.2155e-02,  2.1475e-01,  7.3027e-02,  5.9086e-02, -3.1047e-01,
           1.7391e-01,  1.9032e-01,  1.0473e-01, -1.4716e-01,  6.2468e-02],
         [ 2.3388e-01, -5.2020e-02,  2.0951e-01,  2.7294e-01,  4.3423e-01,
          -6.6956e-01,  6.2341e-01,  7.4768e-01, -2.0953e-01, -3.4832e-01,
          -6.5974e-01,  2.2509e-01,  3.5147e-01, -6.2584e-01,  7.4313e-01,
           2.1495e-02,  3.1210e-01, -2.7008e-02, -2.8151e-01, -5.3942e-01]],

        [[ 1.5385e-01,  2.0180e-01,  2.4708e-01, -2.9517e-03, -2.4830e-01,
           2.3556e-01,  7.6064e-02,  2.0932e-02, -2.7560e-01,  1.4629e-01,
          -1.5155e-01,  1.0428e-02,  2.4841e-01, -5.3213e-03, -1.1825e-01,
          -1.7333e-01,  5.4241e-02, -1.6788e-01,  8.2588e-02,  5.5862e-02],
         [ 1.3654e-01,  1.0345e-02, -7.0530e-02, -1.9001e-01, -6.9209e-02,
           1.6353e-01, -1.4318e-01, -7.0181e-02,  1.4882e-01,  1.2294e-02,
           3.8150e-02,  1.5531e-01,  6.9013e-02, -2.3163e-01, -2.3579e-01,
          -4.5414e-02,  2.0644e-01, -2.1782e-01,  1.9232e-01,  6.9886e-02],
         [ 3.2599e-01,  1.7440e-01,  6.8801e-02, -1.6690e-01, -2.1344e-01,
           6.9699e-02, -7.8946e-02, -1.7150e-01,  8.4177e-02, -6.2729e-03,
           8.0536e-02,  2.6824e-01,  9.2076e-02, -1.1835e-01, -1.9803e-01,
           2.4679e-03,  6.1740e-02,  1.0685e-02,  1.6489e-01,  3.0749e-01],
         [ 4.0204e-01,  3.3234e-01,  3.4477e-01,  2.4157e-02, -2.5119e-01,
           1.7676e-01, -1.2959e-01,  2.3164e-01,  3.9294e-01,  4.1907e-01,
           4.6506e-03,  2.2514e-01, -1.7977e-01, -1.2341e-02, -1.6260e-01,
          -1.7690e-01, -2.4845e-01,  1.8074e-01, -6.3862e-02, -6.1592e-02]],

        [[-5.7067e-02, -2.3470e-01,  1.6510e-01, -1.1555e-01,  7.4884e-02,
           9.3658e-02,  2.9469e-01, -7.5452e-02, -2.4308e-03,  1.1402e-01,
           1.4859e-01,  2.1269e-01,  3.7096e-01, -6.5132e-02,  8.0691e-02,
           1.7443e-01, -2.0023e-01,  8.8065e-02,  3.7643e-02,  2.0633e-01],
         [-9.6098e-02,  3.5538e-02,  1.3694e-01, -8.3510e-02,  1.8905e-01,
           1.9881e-01,  1.9440e-01, -6.3709e-02, -1.4722e-01,  2.6855e-02,
           4.8369e-02, -5.7355e-02,  2.7774e-01, -3.0916e-02,  4.7210e-02,
           6.7662e-02, -1.6999e-01, -1.9481e-03, -1.8549e-01,  1.0833e-01],
         [-1.2830e-01, -3.5909e-02,  2.3784e-02, -1.5410e-01,  1.6742e-01,
           2.3925e-01,  2.6808e-01, -7.7711e-03, -8.8175e-02, -3.5569e-02,
           5.8349e-02, -2.9260e-02,  3.3348e-01,  2.7489e-02,  1.6638e-01,
           2.1644e-02, -8.2408e-02,  3.0857e-03, -6.1547e-02,  1.5024e-01],
         [-2.0877e-01, -2.3510e-01,  1.5869e-01, -7.5440e-02,  2.0076e-01,
           2.9316e-01,  3.3874e-01, -4.1265e-02, -7.8175e-02, -7.7619e-02,
           2.3794e-01, -2.0346e-02,  2.5243e-01,  1.9528e-01,  2.2373e-01,
           9.2668e-02, -1.9082e-01, -7.5764e-02, -1.9075e-01,  1.1805e-01]],

        [[-2.9305e-01,  2.2497e-01, -2.2991e-01, -2.6210e-01,  2.7677e-01,
          -4.7456e-02, -3.7531e-01,  9.1893e-02, -2.4947e-01, -1.8620e-01,
          -1.7134e-01, -7.7954e-02,  8.6340e-02, -3.4087e-01, -1.4247e-01,
          -7.7346e-02, -1.5506e-01,  5.6221e-03, -2.1138e-02,  1.0540e-01],
         [-2.6055e-01,  2.0358e-01, -2.9647e-01, -2.0824e-01,  2.8282e-01,
           7.0376e-02, -3.5000e-01,  3.8520e-02, -2.8129e-01, -8.5425e-02,
          -6.5337e-02, -7.0258e-02, -5.9397e-02, -2.6895e-01, -2.3462e-01,
           3.6933e-02, -1.3267e-01, -1.0049e-01, -4.6274e-02,  1.5483e-01],
         [-2.4602e-01,  2.0742e-01, -3.3668e-01, -2.4800e-01,  3.3161e-01,
           4.7077e-02, -3.5865e-01,  3.8686e-02, -2.5637e-01,  7.3562e-03,
          -9.4601e-02, -8.3786e-02,  3.3584e-02, -3.1317e-01, -2.5079e-01,
           3.0364e-02, -1.8101e-01, -1.4502e-01,  6.6671e-02,  1.3347e-01],
         [-2.3997e-01,  2.0217e-01, -3.7549e-01, -2.5650e-01,  3.7264e-01,
           4.5409e-02, -3.1888e-01,  3.3823e-04, -1.7822e-01, -1.8905e-02,
          -3.6141e-02, -1.0132e-01, -1.2148e-01, -3.1265e-01, -1.8281e-01,
           1.1807e-02, -7.2118e-02, -4.8410e-02, -3.4601e-02,  7.1965e-02]]],

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Jingwei Li

Graduate Research assistance at Stony Brook University
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ProjectPro is an awesome platform that helps me learn much hands-on industrial experience with a step-by-step walkthrough of projects. There are two primary paths to learn: Data Science and Big Data.... Read More

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